Kenny Nance
Kenny Nance
Pest Control Manager

Kenneth Nance is the Pest Department Manager at Alford Pest Control, where he began working in 2021. With a career starting in 2017 and a Commercial Applicator certification, Kenneth enjoys the team atmosphere. He likes that everyone is focused on the same goals and all help each other achieve those goals. The family owned and operated mentality really shines through and is always recognized.

Living in Hurricane, WV, he loves hiking, photography, fishing, hunting, and spending time with family and friends. A true bug geek, Kenneth finds pest control constantly exciting and believes in continuous learning. He is very competitive and truly loves to see his team succeed together and individually. He recommends Alford Pest Control because you will never find a company that cares more about the success of their employees than they do here at Alford Pest Control. Employees are given every opportunity to excel while working here

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