Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles, are cherished for their role in controlling garden pests. However, their close relatives, the Asian lady beetles, have become a concern for many homeowners in the Tri-State Area.
Not sure if you're dealing with a water bug or a cockroach? Learn the key differences, what attracts them, and how to eliminate these pests effectively. Get expert insights to keep your home pest-free and take the right steps to protect your space today!
Grass spiders are common in West Virginia, but you may not want them too close to home. Learn what grass spiders look like, how they differ from wolf spiders, and how to prevent them from entering your space. Discover whether grass spiders are poisonous and the best ways to keep your home spider-free with practical tips and strategies. Click to learn more!
Don’t let mice take over your home this winter! Learn when mice are most active, what attracts them, and the best strategies for keeping them out. From sealing entry points to eliminating food sources, this guide offers practical tips for a mouse-free home all season long. Click to find out how to protect your home from unwanted rodents.
Tired of finding stink bugs around your home? Learn why they invade and what you can do to stop them before they become a problem. Click to find out the top tips for stink bug prevention and keep your space pest-free year-round!